Maverick Mac
Maverick Mac A curated list of awesome mac applications and utilities (updated 24 January 2025)
Upload To Google Photos From Finder Context Menu [Mac]
Dropover is a popular Mac app that simplifies dragging and dropping files. But it also integrates with cloud services like iCloud, Dropbox, Imgur, and making it easy to upload with just right click. One can even add custom scripts which means we can upload custom services like Google Photos. That script can also be used as Quick Action in Finder context menu.
New-File & Open-in-Terminal context menu with BetterTouchTool
Previously many small applications tried to provide essential Finder context menus such New File & Open-in-Terminal. These are,
Set Exact Brightness Level Across Mac
Even though Mac has granular brightness control with ⌥ + ⇧ + F1/F2 (Brightness control in Air M1), it still difficult to set exact brightness across dual boot or even across different mac.
Found Meld Native Build (M1/M2)
I was looking for a simple but native diff tool for comparing files, codes and folders. While there are many alternatives like Beyond Compare or Kaleidoscope, there are either not native, ugly or very expensive.